It’s time to become excited, because Delphi 10.3 Rio has been released!

Rather than go over all the new features here, please refer to the Embarcadero website, and the docwiki for a full list.

Of special interest to me are:

  • The out-of-the-box support for Android API 26+, so if you’re using Rio, there’s no longer any need for my special workarounds as per my earlier articles.
  • Android Native Controls and FMX styled controls on the same Android form.
  • Improvements in the IDE: I like the new look, though the invasion of the “space monster”* will likely upset those who like to have their systems in larger scale, or those who use lower resolution monitors (such as with some projectors). I’ve also moved over to the “dark side” because the dark theme support is looking better.
  • iOS 12 support.

If you prefer ESD (Web) install go here, for ISO go here, and here for a full list of the fixed issues.

(*”space monster” refers to the amount of extra spacing that has been added in some places in options dialogs)

Codex 1.1.0 for Delphi 10.3 Rio

With the release of Delphi 10.3 Rio comes the release of Codex 1.1.0, which also has support for Delphi 10.2 Tokyo, however support for Delphi 10.1 Berlin has been dropped. (Codex 1.0.0 has support for Berlin and Tokyo)

New features:

  • LogCat viewer – no more need to run Monitor to see what’s going on in your device! More filtering options will come later..
  • Java2OP “front end” – run the Java2OP import tool from right in the IDE!
  • SDK Frameworks Import – The ability to add multiple frameworks at once, into an existing SDK in the SDK Manager, or into the SDK defaults
  • Option to show the project manager when opening a project or group

Check out the full list of features, and how to download.