It’s been a while between posts.. let’s restart with a new version of Codex!

Codex 1.4 (Embarcadero Delphi IDE add-in)

This release has a couple of fairly substantial changes, namely:

  • Source Patch – Create and apply patch files for Delphi source, with just a couple of clicks
  • IDE Path Sets – allows quick changes to IDE search paths. Useful when working on multiple projects that use IDE paths, but where some may result in unit name collisions

It also has some enhancements and bug fixes – please check the history in the readme.

As usual, the installers are in the Bin folder of Codex. Unfortunately, due to my Delphi 10.3.3 install “dying” recently, this release is (at least for the time being) for Delphi 10.4.x only.

I have decided to retire the original documentation page in favour of the readme in the repo.

Delphi Patches

The Source Patch feature in Codex 1.4 coincides with the start of a Github repository called Delphi Patches.

Delphi Patches is a repository for patch files that solve particular issues with Delphi. Using the Codex Source Patch features, patches can be applied with ease.

Others are encouraged to contribute to the patch files by creating a pull request, or just send the patch to me, and I’ll consider including it!

Please refer to the Codex readme and the Delphi Patches readme for more information.