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Fixing gesture “lag” near the screen edge on iOS

By |2020-02-09T17:59:09+10:30February 9, 2020 5:59 pm|Code tips, General tips, Patches, Product highlight, Using APIs|

An enquiry I had from a Hans Jakobsen of EarMaster (brilliant music teaching software for PC, Mac, iPad and iPhone) recently was regarding an apparent "lag" for the OnMouseDown event for controls near the edge of the screen on devices with later versions of iOS. This article poses a workaround for the problem. A [...]

Making cross-platform apps with Delphi is easy

By |2017-10-27T06:33:30+10:30May 15, 2017 8:38 pm|Code tips, General tips, Uncategorized, Using APIs|

Developing software with Delphi is easy regardless of "cross-platformness", relatively speaking, in comparison to other tools I've used, however this article shows how insanely easy it can be to put together an application that runs on iOS, Android, Windows and MacOS. UPDATE: Developer Jerry Dodge has alerted me to this project of his, called [...]

Adding Firebase Cloud Messaging to your mobile apps – part 1

By |2020-05-12T06:46:21+10:30May 9, 2017 10:11 pm|Code tips, General tips, Resources, Using APIs|

NOTE: This article has been revisited, here. Please read that article as the code has now been updated to use that method. Firebase Services from Google are becoming very popular, and Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is just one part of it. In this article I show how you can incorporate support for FCM in your [...]

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