Visuino Under Wine
Note: This article assumes you’re using the OSX Arduino IDE on your Mac. Go to this link to download the OSX Arduino IDE
If you’re like me, you prefer to do your work on a Mac. I’ve had a Macbook Pro for the last 3 years, and wonder why I waited so long to acquire one.
Visuino is currently available for Windows only. Fortunately, you can run Visuino on a Mac under Wine, and have it interact with the OSX Arduino IDE. This page outlines how I went about it.
One of the easiest ways to have Wine on the Mac is using WineBottler, because it’s already in binary form; you just need to install it. It also allows you to package up Visuino into a Mac app package.
Firstly, you’ll need to create a Generated folder where your Arduino sketches go. In my case, it is:
Do the same on your Mac, replacing dave with whatever your Mac username is.
Download the Visuino beta (you’ll need beta 24 or higher) and extract the setup.exe somewhere on your Mac.
Download WineBottler and install it (like any other Mac app). Run the WineBottler app (as opposed to just Wine), and click the Advanced button:
Click the Select File button and select the Visuino setup.exe that you extracted earlier, then click the Install button (i.e. the Install button in WineBottler). Select a place where WineBottler will create the Mac app package; this is usually the Applications folder. I named my package Visuino, but you can give it any name. This starts the application package creator, and starts the Visuino installer, under Wine. When asked for the Arduino Library Directory, enter the path as shown, replacing dave with whatever Mac username is yours:
Complete the installation of Visuino. Click OK when WineBottler prompts you to select the Startfile. Now an application package will be in the folder you selected to save the package to. Double-click the package to run it. This will start Visuino, under Wine. Ignore the message about Windows XP. Click the menu item – Arduino|Configure. If you have beta 23, both items will read “Arduino IDE”. The 2nd item is actually the default path to create Arduino sketches. Type in the paths as per the following, replace the name “dave” in the 2nd path with whatever Mac username yours is:
Note: The trailing slash in the 2nd path is important!
You’re all set to go! Design a project in Visuino, click Arduino|Send To Arduino IDE, and Visuino sends your app source to the Arduino IDE.
If you have any suggestions as to how to improve these instructions, please use the contact form on my about page to contact me.