
Moving ahead with style..

By |2017-02-16T18:02:36+10:30September 23, 2013 6:57 pm|Uncategorized, Updates news|

With the release of iOS7 recently, Embarcadero have released a hotfix for XE5, which includes styling for iOS7 for Firemonkey UI controls, and support to be able to change the styling in the IDE. I was quick to grab the hotfix, and give it a whirl on iNews. On the down side, it appears that [...]

Mobile News Client

By |2017-02-16T18:02:36+10:30September 10, 2013 11:32 pm|Uncategorized|

I'm a bit of a newsgroup junkie; at least when it comes to developing software with Delphi. I've also had an iPhone for a couple of years and one thing I miss when I'm not at my MacBook is being having a news (NNTP) client. So, over the past few months (on and off), I've [...]

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