What was known as Yukon during the beta phase has been released today as Delphi 12 Athens. Here’s some important information about the release, and some related news from Delphi Worlds..
Important changes in Delphi 12 that may impact you
Android API level 33 support
If you have an application that makes use of the built-in photo taking or image selection actions, you may have code that requests runtime permissions to read and write to external storage. When run on devices with Android 13 or higher, these requests will fail, so you should check the version number and include the permissions only if less than Android 13 using code like this:
if not TOSVersion.Check(13) then // Include the read and write external storage permissions
Lowest version of Android supported
Delphi 12 “officially” supports Android 8.1 and higher, however it is possible to target lower versions. With Delphi 12, the lowest version of Android that it will work with is 5.0 (up from Android 4.4 with Delphi 11.x). This is due to changes in the build process that have now moved on from legacy Android build tools.
Xcode 15 required when using iOS 17 devices
Delphi 12 (and indeed Delphi 11.3) can both work with Xcode 15, so it is recommended you upgrade anyway, however if you’re working with an iOS 17 device with Delphi 12, Xcode 15 is required in order for PAServer to function correctly (aside from the debugging issue mentioned below).
Significant issues yet to be resolved with Delphi 12
As with Delphi 11.3, debugging with iOS 17 devices is still an issue with Delphi 12. Note that for this issue, deploying an app to an iOS 17 device succeeds; the debugger just won’t start.
Invoking the code templates dropdown using Ctrl-J is broken. For now, the alternative is to use the Templates window to invoke them.
Hopefully there will soon be a patch to resolve the above issues (and more).
Updates to Kastri
Kastri jar files
Due to changes in the “default” Android jar files in Delphi 12, the jar files for Kastri also needed to change – those that are specific to Delphi 12 are suffixed with -3.0.0.jar, such as dw-kastri-base-3.0.0.jar.
Delphi 12 projects added
Due the changes in jar files mentioned above, projects have been created that use these jar files. The new project names are suffixed with D12.
Other changes
This change is not specifically related to Delphi 12, however support for AdMob, Analytics, and FCM in Kastri has also been updated (Note: the legacy FCM support has not been updated) to use the Firebase v10.8.0 SDK for iOS. Support for the older SDK has been removed entirely as Google recommend not using it at all.
Codex v2.0.0 (including source!) released
Codex v2.0.0 contains support for Delphi 12 and Delphi 11.x. Delphi 10.4 and earlier are now no longer supported in Codex.
Mosco functions in Codex v2.0.0 require Mosco v1.5.0 (see below)
The source code for Codex has also been released to coincide with the release of v2.0.0.
Mosco v1.5.0 released
To coincide with the release of Codex v2.0.0, Mosco v1.5.0 has also been released (since the Mosco functions in Codex v2.0.0 require it)
Details of changes in Codex and Mosco
Details of the changes can be found in this article.
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