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Pluses and pitfalls of cross-platform development with Delphi

By |2021-05-02T18:27:22+10:30May 2, 2021 6:19 pm|Code tips, General tips|

Every now and then there's a post (on Stack Overflow, Delphi Praxis, Facebook etc) asking about developing cross-platform (usually specifically mobile) apps with Delphi, for example the "current state" of the product and whether there's anything they should be aware of. This article details some of the things to be aware of when choosing Delphi. [...]

Fixing gesture “lag” near the screen edge on iOS

By |2020-02-09T17:59:09+10:30February 9, 2020 5:59 pm|Code tips, General tips, Patches, Product highlight, Using APIs|

An enquiry I had from a Hans Jakobsen of EarMaster (brilliant music teaching software for PC, Mac, iPad and iPhone) recently was regarding an apparent "lag" for the OnMouseDown event for controls near the edge of the screen on devices with later versions of iOS. This article poses a workaround for the problem. A [...]

Cross-platform location monitoring

By |2020-06-08T11:21:39+10:30January 3, 2020 12:14 am|Code tips, General tips, Patches|

Previously, I have written two articles on monitoring location changes: one for iOS, and one for Android. This article and the related demo brings everything up-to-date and merges support for both operating systems. STTP (Straight To The Point - I'm coining an acronym to replace TLDR) If you're just after the demo, you may find [...]

Integrating iOS support with Delphi’s FCM

By |2020-01-04T08:29:01+10:30October 2, 2019 7:21 am|Code tips, General tips, Patches|

Before the release of Delphi 10.3.2, Embarcadero released a patch for including FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) for Android in your apps, and now that support is included in Delphi 10.3.2. This article describes how to include support for iOS in FCM. UPDATE: With many thanks to Antonello Carlomagno, the iOS implementation now has been [...]

Firebase Cloud Messaging, revisited

By |2018-10-31T11:57:45+10:30August 12, 2018 5:41 pm|Code tips, General tips|

A little over a year ago, I posted a two part article about integrating Firebase Cloud Messaging in your Delphi mobile apps. This time, it's a single part article because much of the work is done for you, or is simplified. The code in this article was built and tested using an install of [...]

Connectivity checker for mobile, revisited

By |2018-07-15T15:07:05+10:30July 15, 2018 3:07 pm|Code tips, General tips|

Nearly 5 years ago I wrote an article for checking whether a mobile device has an internet connection. This article revisits that solution, dropping the "less-used" functionality, however it also gains an important feature. The code and demo for this article was written and tested on Delphi Tokyo 10.2.3, however it should work on earlier [...]

Making cross-platform apps with Delphi is easy

By |2017-10-27T06:33:30+10:30May 15, 2017 8:38 pm|Code tips, General tips, Uncategorized, Using APIs|

Developing software with Delphi is easy regardless of "cross-platformness", relatively speaking, in comparison to other tools I've used, however this article shows how insanely easy it can be to put together an application that runs on iOS, Android, Windows and MacOS. UPDATE: Developer Jerry Dodge has alerted me to this project of his, called [...]

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