
Delphi 12.2 Athens is here!

By |2024-09-13T01:36:38+10:30September 13, 2024 1:28 am|Product highlight, Updates news|

The next release of Delphi 12 Athens (12.2) has just been released. As usual, I'll be describing fixes/changes/features that are of significant interest to me, and are hopefully of interest to my readers/followers. Linker Updated The linker now supports linking to newer iOS/macOS frameworks (particularly 3rd party), fixing this issue. This is a significant leap [...]

Delphi 12.1 and Codex 2.2 Released

By |2024-04-06T05:01:20+10:30April 5, 2024 1:58 am|Updates news|

The first update of Delphi 12 Athens  (Delphi 12.1) has just been released. There's been plenty of changes, and this article takes a look at just some of them. Codex has also been updated to support the new version of Delphi. Android Newer JDK support Delphi 12.1 now has Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK 17 as the [...]

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