Codex had a feature where you can launch a logcat viewer for displaying logs for Android devices. This feature has now been moved out of Codex (in version 1.2.1)  into a separate application: Device Lens

Device Lens 1.0.0 has just been released, and you may find it here. There is some basic documentation at the link, however if you have questions or issues, please create an issue at this link.

At present, Device Lens provides displaying of logs for Android devices, however Device Lens 1.1.0 is planned to be able to display log messages for iOS devices. This would be made possible by Device Lens communicating with the macOS companion application: Mosco, so that your iOS devices can remain connected to the Mac, and be able to debugged using Delphi at the same time.

As per the title of this post, Codex 1.2.1 is also released (this release is for Delphi Rio 10.3.x only), which includes a few bug fixes.