It’s been a while since my last post.. I’ve been real busy working on new versions of a couple of things, including Device Lens. This article announces the release of version 2.0.0
What’s new?
In this release:
- The UI has had a substantial revamp – the filters, connected devices and process list now all appear on the right, so you can focus on what’s important: the log output window which now fills the left of the screen.
- Theme support – Device Lens now supports switching to a number of different themes. Note that you may need to change the log level colors to match your theme.
- Log file output can now be saved to a file
- Font size in the log output should now adjust for different DPI settings in Windows
- Documentation has been extended and updated, with a view to expanding it even further
Videos are coming soon!
In addition to the new release, I’m working towards releasing at least two videos:
- Intro to Device Lens – which will cover the very basics of using Device Lens
- Using Device Lens To Debug Delphi Apps – is the name self-explanatory?
The priority, though this might sound odd, is to release the second video first. This is because there has been an apparent rise in developers having issues with their Android apps particularly at startup, where the device has a newer version of Android.
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