
Taking it to 11…

By |2021-09-10T07:47:25+10:30September 10, 2021 2:07 am|General tips, Product highlight, Updates news|

Delphi 11 Alexandria has landed! In this article, I'll highlight a couple of the new features, introduce some changes related to the Kastri library, and make a pre-announcement about Codex. Introduction As per the headline, I'll be examining a couple of the new features of Delphi 11. For more complete information, please visit the Embarcadero [...]

Pluses and pitfalls of cross-platform development with Delphi

By |2021-05-02T18:27:22+10:30May 2, 2021 6:19 pm|Code tips, General tips|

Every now and then there's a post (on Stack Overflow, Delphi Praxis, Facebook etc) asking about developing cross-platform (usually specifically mobile) apps with Delphi, for example the "current state" of the product and whether there's anything they should be aware of. This article details some of the things to be aware of when choosing Delphi. [...]

Apple Patch for Delphi has been “re-patched”!

By |2020-12-18T08:24:36+10:30December 18, 2020 6:16 am|Uncategorized|

Last month Embarcadero released a patch for Delphi that fixes a few issues with support for Apple OS's (iOS and macOS). Now there's a new patch that addresses additional issues. Marco Cantu from Embarcadero has written this article that describes the details. however there's a couple of pertinent details to be aware of. One is [...]

Native Camera for iOS and Android

By |2020-11-06T12:05:30+10:30November 6, 2020 7:23 am|Uncategorized|

A few years ago I started a project for native camera support for Android using the Camera 2 API, partly because the built-in camera support for Delphi was underperforming greatly. I have resurrected the project, added support for iOS, and it is now included in Kastri. Existing camera support in Delphi As many of you [...]

Book Review: Coding Faster In Delphi

By |2020-09-30T16:39:50+10:30September 30, 2020 4:39 pm|Product highlight|

The guy next door to me.. well, almost; Alister is in NZ, wrote this book called Coding Faster In Delphi, I was actually invited to review it before publishing, however time once again had the better of me. Now I have had some time to take a peek, and I must say, I am impressed! [...]

Using a prior iOS or macOS SDK with Delphi

By |2020-08-19T18:59:30+10:30August 11, 2020 6:21 pm|General tips|

When a new version of Xcode comes out, invariably there is only one SDK for iOS and macOS included. As is Apple's way, sometimes they change something in the new SDK that breaks the SDK import in Delphi. This article describes a couple of solutions for it. The problem The typical scenario is: you start [...]

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